Library Infrastructure
The Centre has a small research and reference library specializing in Agricultural Economics. The library contains a wide range of books in the fields of agricultural economics, resource economics and allied subjects. The library has a total collection of more than 6,000 volumes. The library is receiving about 15 periodicals through subscription, gifts and exchange arrangements. It also receives a large number of research reports from various research institutions in India and abroad. Our own mailing list contains names of more than 50 institutions and individuals. The Library, though primarily meant for Centeral staff, also caters to the information needs of post-graduate students in Economics, Geography, Sociology, Commerce and research scholars and teachers of the H.P. University and other Universities.
Computing Facilities
The AER Centre received in early 1990s a complete set of 386 PC from the Govt of India. With the advancement of computing technology, the AER Centre has purchased 12 computers from the externally funded projects. Internet connectivity is available in the Centre.
Other Facilities
The AER Centre has one jeep for facilitating the fieldwork of studies. In addition to this the Centre is equipped with photocopying facilities, LCD Projector, overhead projector, fax etc. The seminar hall of the Centre can comfortably accommodate about 50 persons.