Trainings / Seminars Organized
The faculty is regularly associated with training programmes for farmers, agricultural markets traders, officers of Agriculture, Horticulture and Animal Husbandry departments of Government of Himachal Pradesh organized by the Himachal Pradesh Marketing Board and State Agriculture Management and Extension Training Institute (SAMITI), Himachal Pradesh Institute of Public Administration (HIPA) and other departments. Nearly 5000 farmers have been provided training on various aspects of commercial farming. The AER Centre organized a weeklong training programme on Environmental Economics for media persons and Non-Government Organizations during 23-28 September 2002. This training programme was sponsored by the World Bank. The AER Centre in collaboration with Institute of Integrated Himalayan Studies, Himachal Pradesh University organized a Seminar on Strategies for Sustainable Livelihood Systems Development in Himalayan Region, on March 24, 2003. During 2009-13 the AERC faculty coordinated 25 one day farmers training programmes on agriculture/horticulture/animal husbandry in project affected panchayat of SJVN hydroelectric projects in Himachal Pradesh.