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  • AGRO- ECONOMIC RESEARCH CENTRE (Established in 1972)
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Dr. Ranveer Singh


CONTENTS : Resume of CV


  1. Academic Qualifications
  2. Employment History
  3. Experience of Regional Agricultural Research
  4. Experience in conducting field survey
  5. Experience of Working in Multicultural and Multidisciplinary Environment 
  6. Communication Skills
  7. A Reflection on the Impact of My Past Work
  8. A Reflection on Capabilities: Self Assessment
  9. Social Background and Family Information


  • List 1: Ph. D and M. Phil Students Guided
  • List 2: Publications
  • List 3: Selected Lectures Delivered and Trainings Organised
  • List 4: Member of Committees/Societies 
  • List 5: Meeting/workshop organized 
  • List 6: Farmers for international exposér for scientific management of milch animals 
  • List 7: Farmers Training Camps Coordinated
  • List 8: Monitoring of project works
  • List 9: Paper Setter/Examiner/Evaluator Evaluation of M. Sc/Ph. D Theses

C.V. Resume

Brief on Personal Information:

Citizenship : Indian
Passport Number :
Educational Qualification : B. Sc (Agriculture), M. Sc (Agricultural Economics), M. Phil (Agricultural Economics), Ph. D (Economics)
Date of Birth : November 1, 1954

Employment History         

  1. May 2006 - till date: Officer Incharge/Head, Agro-Economic Research Centre, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla (India)
  2. September 1998-2006: Senior Research Officer/Associate Professor, Agro-Economic Research Centre, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla-171 005 (India)
  3. 1994-1998: Senior Research Officer/Assistant Professor, Agro-Economic Research Centre, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla-171005 (India)
  4. 1989-1994: Research Officer/Assistant Professor, Agro-Economic Research Centre, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla-171005 (India)
  5. 1983-1989: Senior Research Assistant, Agro-Economic Research Centre, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla – 171005 (India)
  6. 1980-1983: Research Investigator, Agro-Economic Research Centre, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla – 171005 (India)
  7. April 1979-1980: Research Fellow, Agro-Economic Research Centre, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla – 171005 (India)

Marital status : Married
Dependents : Nil
Permanent Address : Village & P.O. Jhabiran, District Saharanpur -  (Uttar Pradesh), India
Present Address : Officer Incharge, Agro-Economic Research Centre,
                                 Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla-171 005 (India)
                                 TEL : 00 91 177 2830182 , Mobile:09816186617
                                 FAX : 00 91 177 2830457
                                 Email : ranveersi@yahoo.com

Brief Summary of C.V. :

RANVEER SINGH, M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D; He has academic background in agriculture and has experience in analysis and development of livelihood strategies for marginal and small farmers and tribal people located in diverse agro-climatic settings of western Himalayan region of India. He has wide experience of analysis of efficacy of development programmes aimed at livelihoods improvement for poverty alleviation. He has conducted various studies regarding the viability of small and marginal farms in mountainous agriculture. He specialises in improving employment and income of subsistence farming community by way of diversification towards high pay of commercial crops including horticulture.

He is expert in conducting cost of cultivation studies for field and horticultural crops. He has been conducting cost of cultivation/production studies for apples and other fruit crops, the estimates of which are used by State Government of Himachal Pradesh for announcing minimum support price (MSP). Cost of cultivation of field crops is another of his specialty. Such studies have provided basis for the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India for formulating various policies and development programmes for the benefit of farming community.

Impact evaluation studies are another aspect where he has been closely associated over his long carrier of about 34 years. He has been evaluating various programmes of state government like plant protection programme, macro management schemes etc. In addition to this he has been associated in impact evaluation of various international development programmes being carried in the state of Himachal Pradesh in collaboration with state government. Such programmes have been funded by agencies like World Bank, USAID, GTZ etc and include Integrated Watershed Development Programme, Indo-German Changer Development Programme, Ex-post facto evaluation of irrigation development programme etc.

During the entire carrier spaning over about three decades at Agro-Economic Research Centre (An institution established for the needs of Western Himalayan Region), Dr Singh gained in depth knowledge of the hidden potential of marginal farms, whose proportion is continuously increasing, for the adoption of diversified cropping pattern for income stabilization and thinning out of risk associated with agriculture production. His main focus in such venture has been to highlight the constraints in adoption of new technologies associated with the introduction of new development programmes and to develop facilitating mechanisms. Such analysis has proved to be crucial for ensuring the peoples participation in the development programmes, a highly desirable aspect of any programme. He has been instrumental in carrying out research programmes of Agro-Economic Research Centre and in the process has gained rich experience in as diverse field as field crops and horticultural economics and marketing, women in agriculture, rural employment, rural industries and economic analysis of other various ancillary vocations like flowers, mushroom cultivation etc.

Dr. Singh has very good knowledge of diverse agro-climatic and cultural conditions of mountainous areas. Such conditions make the introduction of development interventions difficult as these are not tailor made for all the areas, mountainous area having highly diverse conditions. The experience of local working conditions and aspirations of localized and marginalized farmers has turned out to be important qualification for the working in the field of development of such farmers. He has travelled widely in the mountainous regions of the state and worked with diverse communities having entirely different socio-politico-culture fabric for gaining this knowledge, so crucial for designing, execution, monitoring and evaluation of the development programmes and research studies. He has dedication for working for poor people located in difficult and isolated areas. He strongly feels that the research community has moral binding for working for the development of such communities, the research aimed at only academic excellence having little value for the society unless it does something for the society.

As a Research Officer, he has been responsible for generation of idea which requires thorough probe so that the repercussions of underlying problem and the problem itself could be corrected and the scenario of rural development in the state improved. This is followed by designing the research study, executing it and finally bringing out the results of such study in the form of publication. Also, many research studies are initiated at the instance of local line departments and the other national and international development agencies, catering to their specific research needs.  

Dr Singh has been invited many times by International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development in various meetings/workshops/seminars. He has also attended many meetings/workshops/seminars of international agencies held in various locations in India. He is on regular list of resource persons of Labour Beuro, State Agriculture management and Extension Training Institute (SAMETI) and H.P Agricultural Produce Marketing Board. He is regularly associated with various training programmes conducted by these agencies catering to the needs farmers, economists and rural development officials of the state and central government. Being a faculty member of Himachal Pradesh University he is also entrusted with the responsibility of guiding M.Phil and Ph.D students of Economics. There is also a regular interaction with many government and private agencies, research scholars of local and other universities etc, requiring research inputs for their ongoing research projects or want insight into the different aspects of Himachal Pradesh.

It is only because of his experience in agricultural and horticultural economics that he was appointed member of state level committee on ‘Valuation of Tree Crops’ and member of Judging Committee of ‘Udyan Pandit’, the recommendations of the committee are used for payment of compensation when the orchards are acquired by the state government. 


February, 2015, Shimla


A. Formal Education.
Ph.D. (Economics), Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, India (1989).
Awarded Ph. D on theses “Sheep and Goats Rearing in Tribal Areas of Himachal Pradesh: An Economic Analysis”.
M. Phil (Agricultural Economics), Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, India (1979).
Theses on “Processing and Marketing of Sugarcane Products (A Study of Small Scale Sugarcane Processing Units With special reference to district Meerut (U.P.)”.
M. Sc. (Agricultural Economics), Meerut University, Meerut, India (1977).
B.Sc. (Agriculture), Meerut University, Meerut, India (1975).
B. Trainings and Additional Skills

  1. Special ICAR Summer Institute Course on Quantitative Techniques to Evaluate Projects organized by Division of Economics, CSSRI, Karnal (India) during June 4-23, 1987. 
  2. Refresher Courses in Environment organized by the Academic Staff College, H.P. University, Shimla (India) during 1-20 May, 1995 and 11-30 Dec., 1995 
  3. Refresher course in Economics organized by J.N. University, Delhi (India) during 8th Jan. to 2nd Feb., 1996,
  4. Training Course on Agricultural Research Evaluation and Impact Assessment organized by the Division of Economics, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi (India) during 13th to 27th Feb., 1996,
  5. Four Weeks intensive course on Environmental Economics for Faculty Up-gradation organized by the Institute of Economic Growth, University of Delhi, Delhi (India) during 1st  to 29th November, 2000.


  1. Officer Incharge/Head, Agro-Economic Research Centre,  Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla from May 23, 2006 to date
  2. Senior Research Officer (Associate Professor), Agro-Economic Research Centre, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla from Sept. 12, 1998 to May 22, 2006.
  3. Senior Research Officer, Agro-Economic Research Centre, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla from Sept. 12, 1994 to Sept. 11, 1998.
  4. Research Officer, Agro-Economic Research Centre, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla from Sept. 12, 1989 to Sept. 11, 1994.
  5. Senior Research Assistant, Agro-Economic Research Centre, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla from Sept. 11, 1983 to Sept 11, 1989.
  6. Research Investigator, Agro-Economic Research Centre, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla from May 1980 to Sept. 1983.
  7. Research Fellow, Agro-Economic Research Centre, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla from April 1979 to May 1980.


  1. The research experience has been presented in five parts as per the experience gained in the respective posts.

a. Officer Incharge

Since last eight years working as Officer Incharge in Agro-Economic Research Centre. The Officer Incharge is a senior faculty member of the Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla. The main job responsibility is to coordinate research in the field of Agricultural Economics conducted at the Agro-Economic Research Centre of Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, keeping in view the requirements of state government of Himachal Pradesh and Government of India.  Both the governments are advised on the areas where development interventions are required.  Such an advice is based on the output of the comprehensive research projects on the economic aspects in the fields of watershed development programmes, animal husbandry, agriculture, horticulture and rural development etc. The planning, designing, execution and coordination of such research projects are the prime responsibilities of Officer Incharge.  Simultaneously, the state government training needs related to economic aspects of agricultural production and development are catered by being associated in programmes initiated for the farmers, extension workers and other officials of the state government. Officer Incharge is entrusted with the responsibility of guiding post graduate research (Ph.D. and M.Phil) of Economics.

b. Research Officer/Associate Professor

Over 17 years of research experience is related to various aspects of agriculture, horticulture and allied fields. It ranges from general surveys of mountain agricultural systems covering the aspects like livelihood strategies, cost of production, marketing management, project impact evaluation etc. in the western Himalayan region of India covering the states of Himachal Pradesh, Uttrakhand and Jammu & Kashmir. It provides a diverse and rich experience of social, cultural, economic and political setup under which the farming community is operating and the coping mechanisms developed for countering the adverse farming situation in the majority of the areas. On the other hand, there are areas/pockets which have witnessed agricultural transformation in terms of diversification towards high value agriculture like off-season vegetables, horticulture, floriculture, and variety of other activities. It has been interesting to learn and research into these transformation processes which have important ramifications for the new areas still practicing subsistence agriculture.

Interaction with the research workers, development officials and other persons related with research and development challenges was the opportunity provided during this period. This helped in development of understanding of research needs and latest trends in research at the international and national scenarios.

c. Senior Research Assistant

Six years of experience in managing a wide variety of data primary field data collection, analysis of the data and drafting of report. This included large range of projects ranging from tribal studies, transportation of horticultural produce, and agricultural development etc. This part of my career provided deep insight into the problems in relation to the behaviour of rural population when approached by any government officials as majority of the farmers have developed some sort of distrust. Handling such a group of respondents is a daunting task providing a challenging job for any research worker. How to deal with the memory bias and other apprehensions in the minds of the marginalized illiterate farmers located in as diverse situation as interior tribal areas having almost snow desert like conditions and those located in subtropical climate, is an experience not many persons have.

d. Research Investigator

Three years experience in field data collection in rural areas of Himachal Pradesh. During this period I have worked as team member for the project along with senior faculty members. How to collect data from rural households, data collection from various line departments is an important aspect in the projects. Tabulation and analysis of data collected is also a technical job and the study quality is based on the type and reliability of data. These experiences strengthen the confidence when I handled projects independently.  

e. Research Fellow

One year of experience in conducting market survey for fruits and vegetables. This includes variety of data collection from various types of functionaries and intermediaries operating in the markets. Handling traders for obtaining their business detail is a challenging job for any research worker.  


During my career I have conducted a variety of studies pertaining to different aspects of agricultural economy of the state, providing me ample opportunities to be associated in large number of field surveys for primary data collection. This had a geographical coverage of semi-tropical areas to high hill temperate dry areas. Simultaneously, the target groups varied from illiterate small and marginal farmers to highly progressive, highly qualified commercial apple farmers, having very large orchards. This variation in sample has cultivated versatility in me for data collection on any topic under any conditions. I have not only become conversant with the aspect of handling the sample but have developed a nag for making them impart the data even when the farmers hesitate for the fears hidden inside them.


Various research projects handled by me, provided opportunities to work in a multicultural environment, comprising local mountain communities, institutions, professionals of national institutions, and with team of multinational professionals. During my travels, I cultivated knowledge of people, cultures and institutions. Good rapport was developed with diversity of farming communities, institutions, NGOs, Universities, Academies, Research Institutions, Extension Agencies, Government Development Departments, and Planning Institutions.


The continuous interaction with farming communities, people running local institutions and speaking only local languages, politicians, policy makers, planners, researchers, NGOs and media over the past three decades has helped cultivating communication skills.


For the last 25 years I have been involved in managing research projects so as to facilitate the process of developing sustainable mountain agriculture, by way of providing deep insight into the production and marketing problems, analyzing the development scenarios of various sectors and sub-sectors of different agricultural systems in the state and other western Himalayan region. The research work in the field of Agricultural Economics and development is a team effort, I have mostly worked in a team either as member or as leader recognizing the importance of sharing credit as a team member.


As a Researcher

The agro-economic and mountain background and about 35 years of experience in mountain development has helped acquire expertise necessary for leading the research programmes. During these years, I received field exposure and interaction with farming communities helpful in preparing and coordinating the research assignments. Experience acquired about the livelihood system and problems of small and marginal farmers and issues related to the development of agriculture and livelihoods on marginal lands is additional capability.

Communication Skills and Languages

Fluent in English and Hindi speaking, writing, reading. 


I am a citizen of India, born on 1st November 1954 in village, Jhabiran of Saharanpur district of Uttar Pradesh. The district is in the close vicinity of Himachal Pradesh, Uttrakhand and Haryana states. I am fluent in English and Hindi and can also understand several dialects of the mountain communities of Himachal Pradesh and Uttrakhand.

I am married to Mrs Kusum Lata, and we have a son working as Software Engineer in MNC at Brisbane, Australia and a daughter working as Senior Communication Specialist in MNC at Dortmund, Germany. 

List of Ph. D and M .Phil Students Guided

  1. Dr S. P. Saraswat, Transition of Hill Agriculture-A study of Kot Village in Himachal Pradesh, Department of Economics, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, 1995.
  2. Dr Sunil Kumar Paul, Agriculture Credit Requirement in Response to Changing Level of Technology: A Study of Himachal Pradesh, Department of Economics, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, 2001.
  3. Dr Barfi Ram Sharma, Natural Resource Use in Rural Areas of Himachal Pradesh, Department of Economics, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, 2003.
  4. Dr Hemant Kumar, Economics of Vegetable Marketing in Himachal Pradesh, Department of Economics, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, 2005.
  5. Dr Suresh Kumar, Impact of WTO on Agriculture in Himachal Pradesh, Department of Economics, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, 2006.
  6. Dr Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Dynamics of Land use changes and forest degradation in Himachal Pradesh – An Application of Bio-Economic Modelling at Water shed level, Department of Economics, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, 2008
  7. Mrs Anupma, Economic Growth and Structural Changes in Himachal Pradesh Economy: With Special Reference to Primary Sector, Department Of Economics, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, 2011
  8. Mr Manu Gautam, Production Structure and Resource use in Himachal Agriculture: A Comparative study of Irrigated and Non Irrigated Areas, Department Of Economics, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, 2012
  9. Mr G. R. Sahibi, Analyzing Participatory Forest Management Approach in Rural Areas of Sirmour District of Himachal Pradesh, Forestry (Forest Ecology & Environment), Forest Research Institute (Deemed) University, Deheradun (Uttarakhand), Theses submitted in 2014.

Ph.D Theses work in progress

  1. Mr Sujan Singh, Distribution of Assets and the Level of Living of Rural Households in Himachal Pradesh: A Comparative Study of Tribal and Non-Tribal Region of Chamba District, Department Of Economics, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, work in progress
  2. Mr Swaminath, Impact of Limestone Quarrying on Socio-Economic Conditions of Rural Households: A Case Study of Banor-Shiva Mining Region of District Sirmour, Department of Economics, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, work in progress

Students Registered for Ph.D

  1. Mr Sandeep Kumar, Growth with equity in Agriculture in Himachal Pradesh, Department of Economics, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla
  2. Ms Manju Bala, Food Security in India: Pattern, Programmes and Prospects, Department of Economics, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla
  3. Mr Yougesh Kumar, Skill Development in Himachal Pradesh- Programmes and Prospects, Department of Economics, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla
  4. Mrs Uma Sarni, Production and Marketing of Minor Forest Products:  A Case Study of Kinnaur District in Himachal Pradesh, Department of Economics, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla.
  5. Mr Ravi Kant, Impact on Farm Income Employment and Resource Use Efficiency of Giri Irrigation Project in Himachal Pradesh, Department of Economics, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla.

M. Phil Students Guided

  1. Mrs Anupma, Credit Requirement, Sources and Problems on Small Farms: A Review Study, Department of Economics (ICDEOL), Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, 2004.
  2. Mr Bhim Singh, Impact of WTO on Mountain Agriculture- A Case Study in Himachal Pradesh, Department of Economics (ICDEOL), Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, 2004.
  3. Mr Ravi Kant, Production and Marketing of Milk on Small Dairy Farms: A Study in Sirmour District (H.P.), Department of Economics (ICDEOL), Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, 2005.
  4. Mr Leela Dhar, Diversification of Agriculture in Himachal Pradesh, Economics, Directorate of Distance Education, Vinayaka Missions University, Salem, Tamilnadu, 2008.
  5. Mr Ramesh Chand Sharma, Food Security Among Marginal and Small Farmers in Himachal Pradesh, Economics, Directorate of Distance Education, Vinayaka Missions University, Salem, Tamilnadu, 2008.


Books Published

  1. Production and Marketing of Wool and Mutton in India, Mittal Publications, New Delhi, 1992.
  2. Social Economy of Tribal Village, Mittal Publications, New Delhi, 1988 (joint author).

Research Papers Published in refereed Journals and Edited Books

A Papers on Agricultural Development

  1. Rakesh Kumar Sharma; Prem Lall Sankhayan; Ranveer Singh, Land Use Changes and Forest Degradation in a Himalayan Watershed: Analysis and Policy Alternatives, Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research, 2: 3,263-280, July 2010.
  2. Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Prem Lall Sankhayan, Ranveer Singh, “Analysis of Profitability and Risk in New Agriculture Using Dynamic Non-Linear Programming Model”, Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 2, No.1, pp 59-71, 2010.
  3. Ranveer Singh, S.P.Saraswat and Meenakshi, Irrigation Systems in Himachal Pradesh: An Economic Analysis, Chapter in Glimpses of Indian Agriculture, Volume 2: Micro Aspects, (Eds) R.S.Deshpande, Vijay Paul Sharma, R.P.S.Malik, Brijesh Jha and S.A. Ansari, Academic Foundation, New Delhi, 2008, pp 187-196.
  4. C. S. Vaidya and Ranveer Singh, Production and Marketing of Mango in Himachal Pradesh, Chapter in Glimpses of Indian Agriculture, Volume 2: Micro Aspects, (Eds) R.S.Deshpande, Vijay Paul Sharma, R.P.S.Malik, Brijesh Jha and S.A. Ansari, Academic Foundation, New Delhi, 2008, pp 819-825
  5. S.P. Saraswat, Ranveer Singh and Pratap Singh, “Impact of Irrigation on Cropping Pattern, Input Utilization, Productivity and Net Returns per Farm in Command Area of Different Irrigation Systems in Himachal Pradesh”, Agricultural Situation in India, Vol. LXIII, No. 12, March, 2007, pp 683-687.
  6. Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Prem Lall Sankhayan, Ole Hofstad, Ranveer Singh, “Land Use Changes in Western Himalayan Region – a Study at Watershed Level in the State of Himachal Pradesh, India”, International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Science, 33(2-3): 197-206, 2007.
  7. Ranveer Singh, “Strategies for Sustainable Development of Agriculture and Horticulture” ,Chapter in Perspectives on a Growth-Oriented Hill Economy Himachal Pradesh (Ed) L. R. Sharma,  2007, pp 28-52.
  8. C. S. Vaidya and R. Singh, “Issues and Options for Marginal Farms in the Hindu-Kush Himalayas: A Study in Himachal Pradesh (India)”, Chapter in proceedings of an International Symposium on Mountain Agriculture in the Hindu Kush Himalayan Region, (Eds) Tang Ya and Pradeep M. Tulachan, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Kathmandu, Nepal, 2003, pp 151-155.
  9. S. K. Garg and Ranveer Singh, “Strategy for Agricultural Development in the Western Himalayan Region of India: Economic and Environmental Dimensions”, Chapter in proceedings of second International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Food, Energy and Industry, (Ed) Li Dajue, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 2002, pp 204-209.
  10. Ranveer Singh and L. R. Sharma, “Income and Employment Opportunities in Tribal Areas of Himachal Pradesh: Present Status and Challenges for Development, Chapter in Tribal Development: Appraisal and Alternatives, (Eds.) S.K. Gupta, et.al., Indus Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1998, pp 137-148.
  11. Ranveer Singh and L. R. Sharma, “Income and Employment Opportunities in Tribal Areas of Himachal Pradesh:  Present Status and Challenges for Development”, Artha-Vikas, Vol. XXXII, No. 1 January-June, 1996, pp 42-50.
  12. M. L. Sharma, S.P. Saraswat and R. Singh, “Impact of Hill Area Land and Water Development Project on Farm Economy: A Case Study of LIS Kanda - Panesh in Shimla district of H.P”, Financing Agriculture, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, Oct-Nov 1995., pp 11-15.
  13. S.P. Saraswat, Ranveer Singh and P. S. Dahiya, “Structural Changes in Farm and Non-Farm Employment in Himachal Pradesh: A Case Study of Kot Village”, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 50, No. 3, July-Sept. 1995, pp430-436.
  14. Ranveer Singh, A.L. Nadda and P.S. Dahiya, “Agricultural Credit Over dues:  Emerging Problems in Himachal Pradesh”, Financing Agriculture, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, January-March, 1995, pp 4-9. 
  15. Ranveer Singh, “ Changes in Population, Labour Force and Land Use in Himachal Pradesh: A Strategy for sustainable Agricultural Development in Hilly Areas”, The Bihar Journal of Agricultural Marketing, Vol. I, No. 3, July-September, 1993, pp329-338.
  16. Ranveer Singh “Vegetables for Employment and Income Growth in Hill Areas”, in Employment Through Rural Development, Towards Sustainability, (Ed.) V.S. Mahajan, Deep and Deep Publications, New Delhi, 1993, pp231-241. 
  17. Ranveer Singh  “Increasing Farm Income and Employment in Hilly Areas: A Study in Himachal Pradesh”, Agricultural Situation in India, Vol. XLVI, No. 12, March, 1992, pp 921-924.
  18. Kanwar Prakash Chand, Ranveer Singh and M.L. Sharma, “Diversification of Agriculture in Himachal Pradesh: A Spetio-Temporal analysis”, Agricultural Situation in India, Vol. XLI, No. 9, September, 1986, pp451-454. 
  19. Kanwar Prakash Chand, Ranveer Singh and M.L. Sharma, “Determining success of Co-operatives: A Study in Himachal Pradesh”, Indian Co-operative Review, Vol. XXIV, No. 1, July, 1986, pp 46-55. 

B Research Papers on Horticulture Development

  1. Suresh Kumar, Anshuman Karol, Ranveer Singh and C.S.Vaidya, “Cost and Return from Apple Cultivation – A Study in Himachal Pradesh”, Agricultural Situation in India, Vol. LXIV, No. 7, October, 2007, pp 307-313.
  2. Ranveer Singh and Prem S. Dahiya, “Profitability and Growth of Horticultural Crops: An Economic Analysis”. Chapter in Horticulture Technology-vision 2000 and beyond, vol. 2, (Eds) V.K. Sharma and K.C. Azad, Deep & Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2000, pp249-262. 
  3. Prem S. Dahiya and Ranveer Singh, “Horticultural Development in Himachal Pradesh:  Profitability, Policy and Prospects”, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Conference Number, July-September, 1997, pp592-599. 
  4. B.K. Sikka, Ranveer Singh and Rakesh Kumar, “Profitability of Apple Cultivation in Himachal Pradesh”, Agricultural Situation in India, Vol. XLVII, No. 8, November, 1992, pp637-640.
  5. B.K. Sikka, C.S. Vaidya and Ranveer Singh, “Economic Viability of Apple Orchards: A Case of Loans Extended by H.P. Co-operative Land Development Bank”, Indian Co-operative Review, Vol. XXI, No.4, April 1984, pp414-419.

C Research Papers on Livestock Development

  1. Ranveer Singh and J.P.Bhati, “Livestock Diversity and Role in Diversification in Hill Farming Systems-Basis for sustainable livelihoods in Himachal Pradesh, India”, Chapter in Livestock Production Systems for Sustainable Food Security and Livelihoods in Mountain Areas, (Eds) Vir Singh and P. L. Gautam, G.B.Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttaranchal, India, 2004, pp 281-288. 
  2. Ranveer Singh, “Parameters for Local-Level Livestock Development Planning: a Study in Himachal Pradesh, India”, Chapter in Community Empowerment in Livestock Planning, (Eds) Pradeep M.Tulachan and Juhani Maki-Hokkonen, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Kathmandu and FAO, November 2002, pp 17-22.
  3. Ranveer Singh and C.S.Vaidya, “Smallholder Dairy Farming in Himachal Pradesh, India: Characteristics, Constraints and Development Opportunities”, Chapter in SmallHolder Dairy in Mixed Farming Systems of the Hindu Kush-Himalayas, (Eds) Pradeep Man Tulachan, Mohammad A. Jabbar and M.A. Mohamed Saleem, ILRI, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Kathmandu, September 2002, pp 39-50. 
  4. Ranveer Singh and C.S. Vaidya “Small Holder Livestock Farming And Milk Cooperatives in Himachal Pradesh, in The Indian Himalayas”, Chapter in Livestock in Mountain High Land Production Systems: Challenges for Sustainable Development, (Eds) P.M. Tulachan, M.A Saleem, Juhani Maki-Hokkonen & Tej Pratap, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Kathmandu, 2001, pp255-273.
  5. Ranveer Singh, “Production and Marketing of Wool in Western Himalayan Region: A Study of Nomadic Shepherds in Himachal Pradesh”, Indian Journal of Agricultural marketing, 10 (2) Conference Special, 1996, pp77-84.
  6. Ranveer Singh and Tulsi Raman Sharma, “Sustainable Livestock in Mountains of Western Himalayan Region - A Study in Himachal Pradesh”, Agricultural Situation in India, Vol. XLVIII, No. 11, February, 1994, pp799-804.
  7. Ranveer Singh, “Production and Marketing of Wool in Himachal Pradesh”, Wool and Woollens of India, Vol. XXVII, No.4, October-December, 1990, pp24-32.
  8. Tulsi Raman Sharma, M.S. Jairath and Ranveer Singh, “Livestock Pressure on Land - A Study in Himachal Pradesh”, Agricultural Situation in India, Vol. XLIII, No. 3, June, 1988, pp205-208.
  9. R. Swarup and Ranveer Singh, “Economics of Sheep Rearing in Himachal Pradesh”, Carpet-e-World, vol. IX, 1987, pp58-66.
  10. Ranveer Singh, Meenakshi and R. Swarup, “Production and Marketing of Wool by Tribal Migrants in Himachal Pradesh”, Agricultural Marketing, Annual Number, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, April-June, 1986, pp26-30.
  11. Ranveer Singh and R. Swarup, “Costs and Returns in Sheep Rearing: A Study in Himachal Pradesh”, Wool and woollens of India, Vol. XXIII, No. 2, April-June, 1986, pp27-33.  

D Research Papers on Agricultural Marketing

  1. Suresh Kumar and Ranveer Singh, “WTO and Export Competitiveness of Apple: A Study of Himachal Pradesh”, Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing, Vol.22, No. 1, Jan-April, 2008, pp 46-59.
  2. Meenakshi Sharma and Ranveer Singh, “Post Harvest Losses in Fruits and Vegetables in Himachal Pradesh”, Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing, Vol.22, No. 1, Jan-April, 2008, pp 13-24.
  3. Ranveer Singh and R.S.Ratan, Effective Linkage of Marketing Conduct in Promoting Agricultural Marketing in Himachal Pradesh, Chapter in Trends in Agricultural Marketing, (Eds) V. K. Sharma, R. S. Ratan and O. C. Verma, H. P. Agriculture Marketing Board, Shimla, 2005, pp21-34.
  4. Hemant Kumar Shandil and Ranveer Singh, “Role of Marketing Functionaries in Promoting Agricultural Marketing: A case study of vegetable markets in Himachal Pradesh”, Chapter in Trends in Agricultural Marketing, (Eds) V. K. Sharma, R. S. Ratan and O. C. Verma, H. P. Agriculture Marketing Board, Shimla, 2005, pp35-49
  5. Ranveer Singh, S.P. Saraswat and Pratap Singh, “Price Spread and Marketing Efficiency of Himachal Apples in a Regulated Market: Policy Issues and Strategies,” Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing, Vol.18, No. 3(Conference Special) October-December, 2004, pp 253-261.
  6. Ranveer Singh and R. S. Ratan,  “Technological Changes in Marketing of Hill Farm Products: A study in Himachal Pradesh,” Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing, Conference Number, 2001.
  7. Ranveer Singh, “Collection and Marketing System of Medicinal Herbs in Himachal Pradesh: Future Strategies for Development”, Chapter in HORTIVISION-2020, (Eds) Jagmohan Singh, R. P. Sharma and V. K. Sharma, Department of Horticulture, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla, 2001,pp499-505.
  8. R.S.Ratan and Ranveer Singh,  “Post-Harvest Experience in Agricultural Production in Himachal Pradesh: Problems and their Remedies”, Political Economy Journal of India, Vol. 9, July-December 2000, pp 46-52.
  9. Ranveer Singh, Tulsi Raman Sharma and Kavita Sharma, “Production and Marketing of Hill Vegetables-A Study of Himachal Pradesh”, Agricultural Marketing, Vol. XXXVII, No. 2, July-September 1994, pp 23-28. 
  10. R. Swarup and Ranveer Singh, “Impact of Regulation on Fruit-Marketing in Northern India”, Indian Journal of Agricultural Marketing, Vol. I, No. 1, 1987, pp31-36.
  11. Ranveer Singh, Y.S. Negi and C.S. Reghubanshi, “Processing of Sugarcane - An Economics analysis”, Indian Sugar, Vol. XXIX, No.8, November, 1979.

E Research Papers on Natural Resources and Farming Systems 

  1. R. Singh, M.S. Rathore and L.R. Sharma, “Diversity of Mountain Farming Systems in Himachal Pradesh, India”, Chapter in Sustainable Mountain Agriculture,(Eds) N.S. Jodha, M. Banskota and Tej Partap, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, Vol. 2, 1992, pp 497-515.
  2. L.R. Sharma and Ranveer Singh, “Emerging Farming Systems in Himachal Pradesh:  Key Issues in Sustainability”, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 46, No. 3, July-Sept., 1991, pp422-427.
  3. Kanwar Prakash Chand and Ranveer Singh, “People’s Participation and Social Forestry: A Case Study of Himachal Pradesh”, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. XXXVIII, No. 3, July to Sept., 1983,pp 317-322.

F Research Papers on Fisheries

  1. Meenakshi Sharma, Ranveer Singh and Pratap Singh, “Trout Fish Farming In Himachal Pradesh-An Economic Analysis”, Agricultural Situation in India, Vol. XLVIII, No. 11, November , 2011, pp   .
  2. J. P .Bhati, Ranveer Singh and C. S. Vaidya, Impact Assessment of Resettlement Implementation under Nathpa Jhakri Hydroelectric Power, Chapter in Glimpses of Indian Agriculture, Volume 2: Micro Aspects, (Eds) R. S. Deshpande, Vijay Paul Sharma, R. P.S. Malik, Brijesh Jha and S.A. Ansari, Academic Foundation, New Delhi, 2008, pp 1009-1014.


  1. “Impact of Rehabilitation and Resettlement Plan Implementation Under Nathpa-Jhakri Hydro Electric Power Project in Himachal Pradesh” paper presented in Seminar on Hydro Power Development in Relation to the Overall Development of Mountain Region, organized by Centre for Canadian Studies Development Programme, H. P. University, Shimla on 26th March 2013.
  2. “Production and Marketing of Fruits in Himachal Pradesh: Issues for Sustainable Development” paper presented at conference on fruit industry of Himachal Pradesh organised jointly by Indian Society of Agribusiness Professionals, APEDA and Apple Association of India at Shimla during 29-30 November 2006.
  3. “Emerging Commercial Farming Systems and Degradation of Forest and Soil Resources in Western Himalayas of India” paper presented at International Seminar on Soil and Forest Degradation in the Himalayan Region organised jointly by Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), Aas, Norway and Institute of Integrated Himalayan Studies, H.P.University at Shimla during 5-6 April 2006. 
  4. “Land Use Changes in the Western Himalayan Region: A study at watershed level in the state of Himachal Pradesh” paper presented at International Seminar on Soil and Forest Degradation in the Himalayan Region organised jointly by Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), Aas, Norway and Institute of Integrated Himalayan Studies, H.P.University at Shimla during 5-6 April 2006.
  5. “Common Property Resources Management for Sustainable Livestock Development in Himachal Pradesh, India: A Study of Cost Benefit Sharing Mechanism” Stakeholders Meeting on Operationalization of Participatory Policy Framework: Empowering Local Community in Livestock Resource Planning and Decision Making, organised jointly by ICIMOD and FAO at Kathmandu during December 16-18, 2002.
  6. “Issues and Options of Marginal Farmers in Horticulture Based Farming System in Himachal Pradesh, India” paper presented at Stakeholders Meeting on Issues and Options of Marginal Farmers in Hindu-Kush Himalayas, organised by International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) at Kathmandu, Nepal during May 25-27, 2001.
  7. “Concept and General Framework to Study Issues and Options of Marginal Farmers in Himachal Pradesh, India”, Paper Presented at International Symposium on Mountain Agriculture in Hindu-Kush Himalayan Region, jointly organised by Asian Development Bank (ADB), Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) and International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) at Kathmandu, Nepal during May 21-25, 2001.
  8. “Sustainable Development of Smallholder Dairy Farming in Himachal Pradesh: Priority issues and strategies”, paper presented at Stakeholders Meeting on Smallholder Dairy Farming in the Hindu-Kush Himalayas, jointly organised by International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) and International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) at Dhulikhel, Nepal during April 17-19, 2001.
  9. “Parameters for Local Level Livestock Development Planning: A Study in Himachal Pradesh, India”, Paper Presented at International Workshop on Local Livestock Resource Planning in Hindu-Kush Himalayas, sponsored by FAO and organised by the ICIMOD at Dhulikhel, Nepal during Oct. 11-13, 2001.
  10. “Status of Marginal and Small Farmers in Himachal Pradesh, India” paper presented in Planning Meeting on Investigating Issues and Options for Improving Livelihoods of Marginal Mountain Farmers, organised by International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Kathmandu, Nepal during Oct. 11-14, 1999.
  11. “Small Holder Dairy Farming Initiatives: Success and Failure of Milk Co-operatives” Paper Presented at International Symposium on Livestock in the Mountain/High Land Production Systems: R & D Challenges for the Early Decade of the Next Millennium, organised by ILRI, FAO, CIP, GMP and ICIMOD at Pokhara, Nepal during Dec. 7-11, 1999.
  12. "Status of Dairy production and Related Issues in Himachal Pradesh, India” paper presented at Workshop on Small Holder Dairy production in the Hills/Highlands of the Hindu-Kush Himalayan Region, organised jointly by International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) and International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, Kathmandu, Nepal during Aug. 9-10, 1999.


  1. Post harvest losses of fruit crops: Causes and impact on the economy of Himachal Pradesh and measures to prevent losses, 2015
  2. Post project Performance Evaluation Study of Giri Medium Irrigation Project in Himachal Pradesh ...continue
  3. Final Impact Evaluation of Implementation of R&R Plan And Community Development Activities  Rampur Hydro Electric Project (HP) – 412 MW, 2015
  4. Marketing of Milk and Milk Products in Himachal Pradesh, 2015
  5. Post harvest losses of fruit crops: Causes and impact on the economy of Himachal Pradesh and measures to prevent losses, 2015
  6. Social Impact Evaluation of Implementation of R&R Plan and Community Development Activities Nathpa Jhakri Hydro Power Station (H.P)., 2014
  7. Economics of Fruit Cultivation under Organic and Inorganic condition- Mango, Citrus and Stone Fruits in H.P., 2014
  8. Expert Committee Evaluation Report on CSR  & SD Activities (SJVN), by Rakesh Kaushal, R.K Sood and  Ranveer Singh, 2014
  9. Baseline Data on Area, Production and Productivity of Horticulture Crops in Himachal Pradesh,2013
  10. Independent Expert Committee Evaluation Report on Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainable Development Activities For the FY 2012-2013 (SJVN) by Rakesh Kaushal R.K SOOD and  Ranveer Singh, 2013
  11. Establishment of Hydroelectric Projects: Impact on Production of Fruit Crops Especially Apples in Kinnaur and Kullu Districts of Himachal Pradesh, 2013
  12. Evaluation of Price and Market Intervention Scheme in Himachal Pradesh,2013
  13. Survey and Assessment of Impact for Implementation of LADF and R&R Policies in Hydro-electric projects in Himachal Pradesh, 2012
  14. Economics of High Density Apple Plantation in Himachal Pradesh, 2012
  15. Base Line Survey for Area Development Programmes (A Study Sponsored by SJVN Limited), 2012
  16. Production and Marketing of Flowers and Vegetables under Protected Cultivation in Himachal Pradesh, 2011
  17. Monitoring of Resettlement and Rehabilitation Activities of Rampur Hydroelectric Project, 2010.
  18. Impact of Emerging Marketing Channels in Agriculture Marketing-Benefit to Producer- Sellers and Marketing Costs and Margins of Apple and Tomato in Himachal Pradesh, 2010
  19. Impact of NREGA on Wage Rates Cost of Production Food Security and Rural Urban Migration in Himachal Pradesh, 2010.
  20. A Study on Production and Marketing Problems of Mushroom Industry in Himachal Pradesh, 2010.
  21. Impact of Macro Management of agricultural Schemes in Himachal Pradesh, 2009.
  22. Determinants of Stagnation in Productivity of important Crops in Himachal Pradesh, 2009.
  23. State Budgetary Resources and Agricultural Development in Himachal Pradesh, 2008.
  24. Fish Production in Himachal Pradesh (Economic Analysis of Fish Ponds), 2008.
  25. Concurrent Evaluation of Centrally Sponsored Schemes of Agriculture in Himachal Pradesh, 2007.
  26. Cost of Production of Citrus Fruits in Himachal Pradesh (Kinnow, Malta, Sangtra, Galgal and Lime), 2007.
  27. Cost of Production of Apple for Market Intervention Scheme in Himachal Pradesh, 2006.
  28. Estimation of Seed, Feed and Wastage in foodgrains in Himachal Pradesh, 2006.
  29. Likely Demand of Vegetables of Himachal Pradesh in the Neighbouring Consuming States during Next Ten Years, 2006.
  30. Baseline Demographic Socio-Economic Survey of Rampur Hydro Electric Project, 2006.
  31. Production Marketing Storage and Transportation Losses of Selected Vegetables in Shimla and Solan Districts, 2005.
  32. Livestock-Crop Production Systems Analysis for Sustainable Production (Sub Project in Himachal Pradesh), 2005.
  33. Building Up of an Efficient Marketing System to Obviate Need for a Large Scale State Intervention in Himachal Pradesh, 2004.
  34. Diversification of Rural Livelihood Strategies: A Study of Gender and Natural Resources Dimensions in Horticulture in Himachal Pradesh, 2004.
  35. Production and Marketing of Mango in Himachal Pradesh, 2004.
  36. Agricultural Policy in Himachal Pradesh: A Policy Matrix in a Federal System, 2004.
  37. Sustainable Development of Smallholder Dairy Farming in Himachal Pradesh: Economic, Technological and Environmental Dimensions, 2004.
  38. Techno Economic Feasibility for Integrated Development of Horticulture in Tribal District Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh, by Ranveer Singh and C.S.Vaidya, 2004
  39. Evaluation of Post Harvest Losses in Apple and Tomato in Selected Areas (A Consolidated Study of Himachal Pradesh, Punjab and Karnataka), 2003.
  40. Household Energy Consumption Pattern in Dhan Village Cluster in Kangra District Himachal Pradesh(Study sponsored by HIMURJA), by Ranveer Singh and J.P.Bhati, 2003 
  41. Household Energy Consumption Pattern in Kotli Village Cluster in Mandi District Himachal Pradesh(Study sponsored by HIMURJA), by Ranveer Singh and J.P.Bhati, 2003
  42. Household Energy Consumption Pattern in Manan-Cheog Village Cluster in Shimla District Himachal Pradesh(Study sponsored by HIMURJA), by Ranveer Singh and J.P.Bhati, 2003
  43. Household Energy Consumption Pattern in Jhanduta Village Cluster in Bilaspur District Himachal Pradesh(Study sponsored by HIMURJA), by Ranveer Singh and J.P.Bhati, 2003
  44. Household Energy Consumption Pattern in Balh-Bihal Village Cluster in Hamirpur District Himachal Pradesh(Study sponsored by HIMURJA), by Ranveer Singh and J. P. Bhati, 2003 
  45. Impact Assessment of Resettlement Implementation Under Nathpa-Jhakri Hydroelectric Power Project, 2002.
  46. Evaluation of Post Harvest Losses in Apple in Himachal Pradesh, 2002.
  47. Irrigation Systems in Himachal Pradesh: An Economic Analysis, 2001.
  48. Impact of Marketing Infrastructure Facilities on the Performance of Agricultural Marketing in Himachal Pradesh (Study sponsored by Marketing Board), by Ranveer Singh and J.P.Bhati, 1999.
  49. Tribal and Transhumant/Pastoral Nomads in New Areas of Integrated Watershed Development Project Phase-2 in Himachal Pradesh, 1999.
  50. Fertilizer Consumption in Himachal Pradesh: Performance and Policy Implications, 1998.
  51. Economics of Hop Production in Himachal Pradesh, 1997.
  52. Economics of Livestock Production system in Himachal Pradesh, 1997.
  53. An Analysis of Trends in Operational Holdings in Himachal Pradesh, 1996.
  54. Impact Evaluation of Plant Protection Programme in Himachal Pradesh, 1996.
  55. Role of Women in Different Systems of Hill Farming: A Study of Himachal Pradesh, 1995.
  56. Decentralized Planning for Sirmour (A Relatively Backward District in H.P.), 1995.
  57. Use of Modern Inputs in Hill Agriculture: A Study of Himachal Pradesh, 1995.
  58. Marketing of Himachal’s Citrus: A Study of Markets in Northern India, 1994.
  59. Indo-German Changer Project (Himachal Pradesh) - A Base Line Survey, 1993.
  60. Integrated Watershed Development (Hill) Project in Himachal Pradesh, World Bank Project, A Socio-Economic Profile of Markanda Watershed, 1992.
  61. Impact of Input Subsidies on Horticultural Development in Himachal Pradesh, 1991.
  62. Impact of Irrigation on Socio-Economic Structure of Farm Families in Himachal Pradesh (USAID), Hill Areas Land and Water Development Project, Himachal Pradesh), 1992.
  63. Marketing of High Value Perishable Crops in Himachal Pradesh (USAID, Hill Areas Land and Water Development Project, Himachal Pradesh), 1992.
  64. Production and Marketing System of Apples in Tribal Areas of Himachal Pradesh, 1991.
  65. Economics of Apple Production in Himachal Pradesh, 1990.
  66. Hill Vegetables - A Study of Production and Marketing in Himachal Pradesh, 1989.
  67. Block Level Plan of Bharmour in District Chamba (Himachal Pradesh), 1988.
  68. Socio-Economic Study of Chhitkul.  A Tribal Village on Indo-Tibetan Border, 1987.
  69. Economics of Sheep Rearing in Himachal Pradesh, 1985.
  70. Impact of Regulation on Market Functioning: A Study of Fruit Markets in Northern India, 1985.
  71. Problems of Wool and Milk Marketing Among Tribal Migrants of Himachal Pradesh, 1985.
  72. Socio-Economic Study of Chamba Gujjars (Cattle breeders) in Himachal Pradesh, 1985.
  73. Marketing of Seed Potato in Himachal Pradesh, 1981.
  74. Marketing of Himachal Fruits at Various Markets of Northern India, 1981.


  1. Transition of Hill Economy in Himachal Pradesh: A Study of village Banuri by Ranveer Singh, C.S.Vaidya and S.P. Saraswat, 2007.
  2. Transition of Hill Economy in Himachal Pradesh: A Study of village Pathiar by Ranveer Singh, C.S.Vaidya and M.L.Sharma, 2007.
  3. Transition of Hill Economy in Himachal Pradesh: A Study of village Jia by C.S.Vaidya and Ranveer Singh, 2007.
  4. Status of Animal husbandry in Himachal Pradesh by Ranveer Singh and C.S.Vaidya, 2006.
  5. Documentation of Technologies for Rural development in Himachal Pradesh by C.S.Vaidya and Ranveer Singh, 2006.
  6. Hill Economy in Transition: A Case Study of Kot Village in Himachal Pradesh by S.P. Saraswat and Ranveer Singh, 2005.
  7. Status of Agriculture in Himachal Pradesh by Ranveer Singh and C.S.Vaidya, 2005.
  8. Status of Horticulture in Himachal Pradesh by C.S.Vaidya and Ranveer Singh, 2005
  9. State of Art Report and Policy Guidelines for Primary Sector, Volume-1 (Studies on Agriculture Sector) by Ranveer Singh and C.S.Vaidya, 2005. 
  10. State of Art Report and Policy Guidelines for Primary Sector, Volume-2 (Studies on Horticulture Sector) by Ranveer Singh and C.S.Vaidya, 2005.
  11. State of Art Report and Policy Guidelines for Primary Sector, Volume-3 (Studies on Animal husbandry, Forestry, Rural Development, Watershed Sectors) by Ranveer Singh and C.S.Vaidya, 2005.
  12. State of Art Report and Policy Guidelines for Primary Sector, Volume-4 (Books published on Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal husbandry, Forestry and Rural Development) by Ranveer Singh and C.S.Vaidya, 2005.
  13. Modelling for Sustainable Development: A Watershed Approach (Coordinated by Dr Ranveer Singh), 2005.
  14. Status of Collection, Trade and Potential for Growth in Sustainable Use of Some Wild Fruits Found in Himachal Pradesh (Coordinated by Dr Ranveer Singh), 2005.
  15. Impact of WTO on Agriculture in Himachal Pradesh (Financial assistance for the theses by Mr. Suresh Kumar under the guidance of Dr Ranveer Singh).
  16. Decision Support system and Livestock Development and Planning in Himachal Pradesh by Ranveer Singh, 2006.
  17. Sustainable Development of Smallholder Dairy Farming in Himachal Pradesh: Economic, Technological and Environmental Dimensions by Ranveer Singh and C.S.Vaidya, 2004.
  18. Diversification of Rural Livelihood Strategies: A Study of Gender and Natural Resources Dimensions in Horticulture in Himachal Pradesh by C.S.Vaidya and Ranveer Singh, 2004.


  1. Special lecture on “Agriculture and Horticulture Potential of Himachal Pradesh-Concern for Domestic and International Trade in Training Workshop on WTO and International Trade Issues organized by H. P. Institute of Public Administration, Shimla in collaboration with Centre for WTO studies, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi at HIPA, Shimla on 5th September 2014
  2. Special lecture on Sampling Methods and Cost Concepts in Crops and Livestock in the Two days Training Programme for Technical Staff of Cost of Cultivation Studies CCS, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla on 5th- 6th July 2013
  3. Special Lecture on Role of women in different farming systems in Himachal Pradesh in the Refresher course for colleges and university teachers Organized by Academic Staff College, H. P. University, Shimla on April 2013
  4. Special Lecture on Small holder Livestock Farming and Milk Cooperatives in Himachal Pradesh in the workshop on emerging issues and strategies in production and marketing of dairy products Organized by SAMETI, Mashobra, Shimla on 24th April, 2012.
  5. Special Lecture on Impact Assessment of Resettlement Implementation Under Nathpa-Jhakri Hydro Electric Power Project in the Refresher course for colleges and university teachers Organized by Academic Staff College, H. P. University, Shimla on April 2012
  6. Special Lecture on Gender Participation in Labour Activities in the Training to Senior level Officers of Indian Statistical Service Officer (ISS) on Price and Labour Statistics Organized by Labour Bureau, Shimla on Nov, 2007
  7. Special Lecture on Emerging Issues in Marketing of Fruit and Vegetables- Marketing Reforms in context of contract farming: Basics and present scenario in the Workshop of Farmers and Government Officers on Marketing Issues and Perspectives Organized by State Agricultural Management & Extension Training Institute, Mashobra, Shimla, India on 10-11, October 2006
  8. Special Lecture on Gender Participation in Labour Activities in the Training to Senior level Officers of Indian Statistical Service Officer (ISS) on Price and Labour Statistics Organized by Labour Bureau, Shimla on 9th to 13th October 2006.
  9. Special Lecture on Marketing of Fruit and Vegetables in H.P- Strategies for sustainable development in the Workshop of Farmers and Government Officers on Emerging Issues and Strategies in Agricultural Marketing Organized by Department of Social Sciences, Dr Y S Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan on 3-4 March, 2006
  10. Special Lecture on Concept of WTO, AoA, Likely impact of WTO, Policy and strategy to meet WTO challenges in the Training to Farmers and Government Officers on WTO and Agriculture Organized by State Agricultural Management & Extension Training Institute, Mashobra, Shimla, India during 9th to 16th July 2004.
  11. Special Lecture on Concept of Market led extension, Post harvest management and value addition, IT application in Agril Marketing in the Training to Government Officers on Market Led Extension Organized by State Agricultural Management & Extension Training Institute, Mashobra, Shimla, India during 8th to 19th July, 2003.
  12. Special Lecture on Techno, Economic and Financial Viability of Agricultural Project, Project formulation in the Training to Government Officers on Agricultural Project Management & Formulation Organized by State Agricultural Management & Extension Training Institute, Mashobra, Shimla, India during 31st May to 4th June 2003.
  13. Special Lecture on Environmental Economics and its relevance for Media Persons and NGOs managers, Tools and Techniques of Environmental Economics, Natural Resources Management and Environmental concerns in the Training programme on Environmental Economics for Media persons and Non-Government Organizations Managers Organized by Agro-Economic Research Centre, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, India during 23-28 September 2002.
  14. Special Lectures on Marketing systems, Functions, Problems, WTO and Agriculture, Post harvest management, Market Regulation and State intervention in the Farmers Training on Marketing of farm products Organized by Himachal Pradesh Agricultural Produce Marketing Board, Shimla, India during April, July, August and December 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000. 
  15. Special Lecture on Agricultural Marketing, Agricultural Projects Evaluation Techniques, Agricultural Production Functions in the Personal Contact Programme for M.A (Agricultural Economics) Students of Distance Education and Open Learning.Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, India, 1990.

Member of Committees

  1. Member Independent External Committee for Performance Evaluation Parameters of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable Development (SD) Projects/works carried out by Satluj Jal Viduit Nigam Limited (SJVNL), 2013-14. 
  2. Nominated Member and attended Meeting of the project Advisory Committee of the ICSSR funded project entitled Diversification and Development of Mountain Agriculture-A Case Study of H.P held on 29th March 2014 at Dr Y. S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan, H.P.
  3. Nominated Member and attended Meeting of High Level Co-ordination Committee (HLCC) on Agricultural Statistics under Chairmanship of Additional Chief Secretary (Agriculture), Government of Himachal Pradesh, held on 19th August 2013 at Himachal Pradesh Secretariat, Shimla.
  4. Member of Executive Committee of the Institute of Integrated Himalayan Studies (UGC Centre of Excellence), Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla for 2004-08.
  5. Member of State Level Judging Committee constituted by Directorate of Horticulture, Government of Himachal Pradesh for selecting best apple orchard (Udyan Pandit) in Himachal Pradesh, during 2003.
  6. Member of Committee on Fruit Tree Valuation in Himachal Pradesh constituted by Directorate of Horticulture, Government of Himachal Pradesh, during 2000.

Meeting/workshop organised

  1. Organised one day meeting of World Bank Team on Farm Economics, Impact of High density Apple Plantation, Post Harvest losses and Marketing Issues in Fruit Crops in Himachal Pradesh on 27th October 2014 at Conference hall of AERC, Shimla. The research staff of AERC, CCS, Professor, Department of Economics and Managing Director of Himachal Pradesh Horticultural Produce Marketing & Processing Corporation Ltd (hpmc), Shimla interacted with the experts of World Bank Team on issues related to Horticultural crops on Himachal Pradesh.
  2. Coordinated Meeting of a team of Professors and students of Bridgewater State University, USA Dean of studies, Dean Faculties of H.P. University, Shimla on May 2013
  3. Organized Progress Two days meeting on evaluation of price support and market intervention scheme was organized on 4th and 5th June, 2012 at AERC Shimla. The meeting was attended by the Adviser (AER), Ministry of Agriculture, GOI, AERC, Jorhat, Waltair, Delhi and Shimla and IEG, Delhi. The methodology and questionnaires of the study were finalized in the meeting. 
  4. Organized Progress Review Meeting of Agro Economic Research Centers/Units on June 19, 2010 at Shimla.

Farmers for international exposér for scientific management of milch animals:

  • Sh Madan Singh, Small Dairy Farmers of Phayal Panchayat, district Shimla was taken to attend Stakeholders Meeting on Operationalization of Participatory Policy Framework: Empowering Local Community in Livestock Resource Planning and Decision Making, organised jointly by ICIMOD and FAO, at Kathmandu during December 16-18, 2002.
  • Sh Labh Singh, Small Dairy Farmers of Phayal Panchayat, district Shimla was taken to attend the International Symposium on Livestock in the Mountain/High Land Production Systems: R & D Challenges for the Early Decade of the Next Millennium, organised by ILRI, FAO, CIP, GMP and ICIMOD, at Pokhara, Nepal during Dec. 7-11, 1999

Farmers Training Camps Coordinated

  • Coordinated 30, one and two days Farmers’ training camps for farmers and apple orchardists of project affected area of Nathpa Jhakri hydropower project  and Rampur hydro electric project during 2009-2013

Monitoring of project works

  • Nominated as Monitor for evaluation of projects by the Council for Advancement of People’s Action and Rural Technology (CAPART), Chandigarh. The staff members evaluated 3 projects of CAPART during 2010-11.
  • Monitoring of Resettlement and Rehabilitation Activities of Rampur Hydroelectric Project, 2008-11 

Paper Setter/Examiner/Evaluator Evaluation of M. Sc/Ph. D Theses

Paper setting and evaluation of B. Sc Agril, B. Sc Forestry, B. Tech (Dairy), M. Sc Agril. Economics of Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidialaya, College of Agriculture, Palampur (H.P.), National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Dr YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, 

Evaluation and viva voice of M. Sc/Ph. D Thesis of  Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidialaya, College of Agriculture, Palampur (H.P.), National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Dr YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hissar, Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut, HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar (Garhwal).